02 May, 2014

Beauty Tips, homemade tips for pimples, Natural way to get rid of pimples

How to get rid of pimples?

beauty tips images, pics

In our daily busy life, we have many cores of life. We have no time to take care of our health as well as skin. But with the passage of time, it causes many side effects. So we try to maintain and give time to our health and skin treatment.
Pimples are appeared on skin due to many reasons. First of all, it may be appeared because of bad stomach. Using of imbalance diet also cause pimples on skin.
There are some useful tips to make your skin healthy and fair.
Use balanced diet:
·         Drink one glass of milk daily.
·         Eat an apple daily.
·         Avoid spicy foods.
Get rid of pimples through some natural things:
1.    Apply cream of milk on face. (milk should not be boiled)
·         Use it daily at night.
·         Wash your face with fresh water at morning.
·         Chop tomato and scrub on your face. Afterward wash it with cold water.
2.    Make a mask:
·         Milk
·         Mustard Powder
·         Rose water
·         Lemon juice
Method to use/Application:
Mix some milk with some drops of rose water and lemon juice in Mustard Powder and make a soft paste. Put it on your face with the help of tips of fingers. After it wash your face with cold water. Avoid using soap or any other kind of cream for about 2 to 3 hours. Use it with fully confident. You will get the positive result within a week.

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