26 April, 2014

Simple beauty tips for consistent freshness of face all day long

Simple beauty tips for consistent freshness of face all day long

How your face fresh for daylong?

Skin is very delicate and difficult to make it clean and healthy in our busy life. There are a lot of treatments for this purpose that may be medicated or homemade. Mostly homemade treatments have no side effects. But on the other hand the medicated treatments are harmful or some extent dangerous for skin. It may have deeply and long term side effects. So it is preferred to use homemade treatments for your skin.

Method to remain your face fresh:

There are three steps to freshen your face:

1.    Cleansing:

·         Clean your face with fresh water very well.
·         Dry it with a tissue paper or soft towel.

2.    Massage:

·         Massage your face with baby lotion for 4 to 5 minutes.
·         After it clean it with cold water.
·         Dry your face with soft towel.

3.    Masking:

·         Milk
·         Rose water
·         Multani Matti
·         Tomato juice
·         Lemon (for normal skin)

Method to use:

·         First of all mix milk, rose water and tomato juice in multani matti.
·         The people who have normal skin also mix some drops of lemon juice in it.
·         Mix them very well and make a soft paste.
·         Smoothly apply on face with the help of pores of fingers.
·         Leave it for 5 to 6 minute.
·         Afterward, wash the face with normal fresh water.

You will get the fabulous result within a day or two.

Note:              People with normal skin may use it on daily basis.

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