07 June, 2014

Passionate love (Poem)

passionate love poem
Passionate  love
Sent from heaven
A bliss to me
Yes, she
So ravishing
In styles, in demeanor
Fully glamour
Pledging my heart
Never get apart
Just let start, right
To hold me tight
In your silky arms
Give me warms
Of hugs and touch
In dark be my torch
My passionate love yearn
Love’s fire to burn
Her heart’s furnace
Willing for concurrence
Passionate love demands
Discover beauty’s diamonds
Merge into each other
To Cover to smother
Passionate love want
To enchant
Her ravishing beauty
With loves’ water, a bit pretty
Encompass her like oceans
With full of passions
To hold for life

And never Strife

Ghammaz  Jee

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