17 April, 2013


It is found that the in the world the women and the dogs are two living being which are mostly abused by the human beings. The women have the great dignity in the world no doubt but still have no good enough position in the society. And the dogs are very loyal to their master as the women loyal to their husband but both has treated as slave in most countries either most developed or under developed.

 In this Regard i would like to satire on the attitude of the humen toward these both poor creatures in a poetic way. i want to throw a light that common points which are common in both but same attitude is with both. loyality is the most beautyfull quality of the both the dog and the women but this beauty is being spoiled by ignorant behaviour of the humen. Go ahead and read it.


It is the universal fact and bitter realty
The women and the dogs are symbol of loyalty

Nature have graved the love in the women hearts
And the tenderness in their thoughts

And the dogs are required love and care
They in return be loyal and very fair

Women are betrayed in the life
And dogs wounded by loathing’s knife

The women serve as a wife, as a sis
In the life they never seemed so bliss

Their sons and daughter never love more them
But the dogs love them with passion of overwhelm

Women are the emblem of huge endurance                                                                     
And the dogs are the crest of reliance

All over the world women are cheated
And dogs are not good treated

In some countries women have beat brutally
And dogs’ life in some part of world running not smoothly

Women are the mothers and have a dignity
And the dogs are the pet of huge gravity

So I like women they are most innocent
They love every pet dog as parent

Dignity of women not forgettable
They serve the people either feel feeble

And also care for the Dogs very much
They worried if any dog feel harm touch

At the end it is close with much more clarity
The women and the dogs symbol of loyalty

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