10 July, 2013

Love Quotes (by Ghammaz Jee)

Love Quotes

Love Quotes

‘’Sacrifice is the name of Love’’

“Love is the divinity and hate is the Satan”

“Love to all trust no one”

“Love is nothing else an idiot talk for a numb”

God is the name of Love, kind and the mercy”

“Submission of yourself and your soul to other is the real love”

“Love to humanity is to love the God”

“ Love never required rewards”

“Selfishness never deserve for the love”

“Humanity is the substantial form of Love”

“Love can win even a stone heart”

“He, who is in love knows the meaning of kind and the sacrifice”

“Love is fearless always”

“eternity is the destiny of love”

“Love cannot bounded into limits”

“Humans died but love exist”

“scared people cannot love”

“Women are the color of love”

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